Operantor has supported organisations developing performance and enabling change since 2006. Johan Ginyard, CCMP, is Operantor’s principal consultant with an agile team of Senior Performance Consultants whom we bring in on-demand. When we need an even broader reach, we turn to our colleagues Hollin Consulting in the UK and The Performance Thinking Network, in the USA.

and high performing organization.
attract and retain Engaged Employees
We're all about People Performance!
We’re here to help you developing, improving and supporting high performance throughout your organisation. Honestly, aren’t you looking for high performance rather than the change itself? We will guide you on how to sustain your change and build resilience to withstand future disruptions.
Executive Performance Coaching
Unlike other forms of executive coaching, the Executive Performance Coaching approach focuses on your performance and that of your team. We don’t just ask the right questions to help clarify your thinking about whatever your issues might be. We provide simple models and a process to define your individual, valuable contributions crisply, and identify opportunities for improving your performance in the current role, or preparing for the next level.
Every Manager a Performance Consultant
Your organisation and the world around it changes continuously. Which means your people have to adapt, change and evolve in real-time continually. They need to have a shared view of performance if you want to get everyone involved.
We will prepare your managers to support your growth. We’ll give them tools to motivate generations that expect more than annual reviews and supporting performance development or even the day to day needs of your employees
We will prepare your managers to support your growth. We’ll give them tools to motivate generations that expect more than annual reviews and supporting performance development or even the day to day needs of your employees
Operantor: this is ``We``
Each organisation has its own set of challenges and enablers. And opportunities and needs! That’s why we deliver bespoke solutions developed in collaboration with you as our partner. With a solid foundation in Behavior Science, our solutions are operationally practical. We enable behaviours throughout your organisation, necessary for producing the valuable outputs that contribute to your Business Results.
Why We Are Different
Move one piece of the puzzle and the entire picture changes. Our interventions are all connected to the bigger picture; Organisational Business Results and the environment where you operate.
We create all our solutions in collaboration with you. So you will be able to sustain every progress made, years after we have left.
Our solutions have a solid foundation in Behavior Science. When we combine that with proven methods and processes, we can deliver a clear road map on how to proceed, yet be agile to adress any disruptions.
People Focused
Creating a sustainable business, you need people to perform. And we know human behaviour. We’ll help you create engagement and enable high performance.
Free First Consultation
We offer one hour of Executive Performance Coaching, free of charge. In one hour we’ll help you see your own performance, as well as opportunities to accelerate the performance of your people, in a new light.
This will be worth many times the hour you’ll spend. Of course, we’ll ask you at the end to reflect on the value you have received and to prioritize action steps that you can take.
When there's a need for team reinforcement
Then we call in the cavalry – teams of high-calibre consultants from around the world!
Johan Ginyard, CCMP
Founder, Senior Consultant Change Management
Johan is a Certified Psychologist and ex Swedish Air Force Fighter Pilot. He specialises in organisational change, performance and employee engagement. He guides companies, educational institutions, governments and nonprofit organisations supporting people, strategy, structures, processes and culture to minimise operational disruptions and adapt to a changing environment. Bring him a real Italian espresso, and you’ll get a friend for life.
The Performance Thinking Network
Bainbridge Island, WA, U.S.A.
The Performance Thinking Network has a trail of over 30 years in the field of human performance improvement.
Hollin Consulting Ltd
Macclesfield Cheshire, U.K.
Everything that makes a business successful relies upon the behaviours of people. Since 2004, we have been using Behavioural Management Techniques – BMT – to help our clients understand why people behave the way they do.

Get In Touch!
We are looking forward to start a project with you!
It goes without saying that we’d love to get started collaborating with you on a project. As with everything in our business, we make things as simple as possible. Let’s start with a conversation and a coffee!